Bachelor and Graduate Degrees
Earn your bachelor's or graduate degree in Watertown
Jefferson Community College gives you the chance to earn your bachelor’s and/or graduate degrees right on the Jefferson campus!
- Classes are conveniently offered evenings and weekends to fit into your busy schedule
- As a student of a partner college, you can use Jefferson resources like the library, study space and technology
- Classes are offered on Jefferson’s campus and online – no need to travel
- If you are a Jefferson graduate, you have an easy pathway into many of these programs through your associate’s degree
- You can cross-register between partners to fulfill degree needs
Available Programs
- Business Administration, A.S./B.S. (Jointly Registered with Jefferson)
- Childhood Education, Birth-Grade 6, A.A./B.A. (Jointly Registered with Jefferson)
- Early Childhood Education, Birth-Grade 2, A.A./B.A. (Jointly Registered with Jefferson)
- Curriculum & Instruction, M.S. Ed.
- Literacy Specialist, M.S. Ed.
- Literacy Educator, M.S. Ed.
- Childhood Education, M.S.T.
- Inclusive & Special Education C.A.S.
- Management, M.S.
Contact Information
Education Contacts:
Laura Carbone
(315) 786-2373 carbonla@potsdam.edu
Anita Weisburger
(315) 786-2241 weisbuat@potsdam.edu
Business Contact:
Dr. Greg Gardner
(315) 267-4722 gardnega@potsdam.edu