Health Care Management AS
SUNY Jefferson

Health Care Management AS

Medical professional inputting data into computer
50% or more of this program can be completed online.

Prepare for your future in health care management—starting with an associate’s degree from Jefferson

The Health Care Management A.S. degree program is designed to prepare the student for transfer to a four-year institution. The program includes liberal arts courses to provide a broad-based general education, plus technology and business courses to enhance the foundational component in health care. This degree is appropriate for students who wish to pursue positions with hospitals, physicians’ offices, clinics, rehabilitation centers, long-term care facilities, and numerous other types of healthcare-related facilities.

Suggested 4-Semester Pathway

The four-semester pathway is intended for the typical student. Always look at placement scores, AP, and previous college credits to ensure proper placement in the first and subsequent semesters.

Semester 3
Semester 3 Credit Hours
BUS 211: Business Law I 3
Humanities Elective1 3
Lab SCI Elective2 4
ECO 101: Macroeconomics 3
HCM 220: Health Care Financing 3
Semester Credit Hours: 16
Semester 4
Semester 4 Credit Hours
MTH/SCI Elective3 3
Social Science Elective4 3
Liberal Arts 3
HCM 110: Introduction to the U.S. Health Care System 3
BUS 221: Human Resource Management 3
Semester Credit Hours: 15

Lookup Course Description


Contact Enrollment Services for Application and Admissions Information

Jules Center 6-010 (ground level)
(315) 786-2437, fax (315) 786-2349 or toll free (888) 435-6522

8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday-Thursday
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Friday

Degree requirements for Health Care Management A.S.

College Foundations (1 credit hour)
College Foundations  Credit Hours

INT 111: College Foundations
Substitute one credit of free elective if met by 24 credits of prior matriculated college coursework. 

Health Care Requirements (12 credit hours)
Health Care Requirements (12 credit hours) Credit Hours
HCM 101: Introduction to Health Care Management 3
HCM 110: Introduction to the U.S. Healthcare System 3
HCM 220: Health Care Financing 3
OFC 245: Medical Terminology 3
Accounting and Business Requirements (16 credit hours)
Accounting and Business Requirements (16 credit hours) Credit Hours
ACC 101: Accounting Principles I 4
BUS 160: Spreadsheet Applications 3
BUS 211: Business Law I 3
BUS 221: Human Resource Management 3
BUS 231: Principles of Management 3
Liberal Arts Requirements (34 credit hours)
Liberal Arts Requirements (34 credit hours) Credit Hours
ECO 101: Macroeconomics 3
ENG 101: Research and Composition 3
ENG 220: Creative Writing 3
MTH 144: Elementary Statistics or
MTH 165: College Algebra and Trigonometry or higher
PSY 133: Introduction to Psychology 3
SOC 144: Introduction to Sociology 3
Humanities Elective1 3
Lab Science Elective2 4
Liberal Arts Elective 3
Mathematics or
Science Elective3
Social Science Elective4 3

Total Credit Hours 62


Advising Notes:
Advising Notes:  
1Select from the areas of Humanities or World Languages in the SUNY General Education Course List.

2Select from the area of Natural Sciences in the SUNY General Education Course List.

3Select from the areas of Mathematics or Natural Sciences in the SUNY General Education Course List.

4Select from the areas of US History and Civic Engagement or World History and Global Awareness in the SUNY General Education Course List.



Program Contacts

Dawn Robinson

Associate Professor of Business
(315) 786-2486

Irene Wilder

Assistant Professor of Business
(315) 786-2378

Donna Stevenson

Interim AVP for STEM, Health Professions, Business, & Hospitality & Tourism
(315) 786-2323