Net Price Calculator
The Net Price Calculator is intended to give you an estimate of what it might cost to attend SUNY Jefferson. Each student’s situation is unique and we encourage you to contact Financial Services with any and all questions you might have concerning financing your college education.
Net Price Calculator tips- On the first page, scroll down and click “I Accept” to access the calculator.
- For help with a question, click the “?” icon for additional information.
- Click “Continue” at the bottom of each page to proceed.
- You must answer all questions with a red asterisk to move forward. Scroll up to complete any required fields before clicking “Continue.”
- Loan estimates are based on average aid. For detailed loan info, contact Financial Services at 315-786-2437 or financialservices@sunyjefferson.edu.
- Work Study positions at Jefferson Community College are not shown in the results. Jefferson offers various student employment opportunities..
- For updated attendance costs, including on-campus fees, visit the cost of attendance page.

Bigger Affordability
The SUNY Net Price Calculator will provide you and your family with an early estimate of the financial aid for which you might qualify.
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