Teacher Assistant Level II Microcredential
SUNY Jefferson

Teacher Assistant Level II Microcredential

Teacher with class and Teacher's Assistant smiling
Teaching Assistant II Microcredential Badge

A teacher assistant begins at level 1 with a high school diploma, Teacher Assistant Certification, Schools Against Violence Education (SAVE) certification, Child Abuse Workshop certification, completion of Dignity for All Students (DASA) training, and fingerprint clearance. The certificate is valid for three years as a Teacher Assistant at BOCES.

The microcredential in Teacher Assistant Level 2 is designed for teacher assistants already at level I. To reach level II, a student must complete nine college credits. The three college courses will enable students to demonstrate competency in writing (ENG 101), understanding the principles of education (EDU 210), and basic knowledge from an introductory psychology class (PSY 133).

Students who complete the teacher assistant level 2 microcredential by earning nine college credits may later enroll in one of Jefferson's degree programs. The teacher assistant level 2 course requirements fit into Jefferson’s Childhood Education, Early Childhood, and Humanities and Social Science degree programs, with transfer pathways for a teaching certificate at a four-year teacher preparation program.

When students complete the Teacher Assistant Level 2 microcredential, they will be able to: 

  • Explain the responsibilities of educators as leaders within the context of daily decision-making. 
  • Examine a variety of teaching styles and models, including those from the historical and philosophical perspective. 
  • Read analytically, synthesize effectively, evaluate critically, and provide commentary to assigned readings. 
  • Research a topic, develop an argument, and organize supporting details.
  • Demonstrate coherent college-level communication (written and oral) that informs, persuades, or otherwise engages with an audience. 
  • Differentiate among the major theoretical perspectives in psychology, and identify basic terms and concepts associated with these perspectives. 
  • Demonstrate ability to use transferable skills from the courses to solve problems in one’s own life and the lives of others. 

*Eligible for Part-Time Tuition Assistance for Non-Degree Programs. Eligibility rules apply. Students must complete a FAFSA. Learn more.

Contact Enrollment Services for Application and Admissions Information

Jules Center 6-010 (ground level)
(315) 786-2437, fax (315) 786-2349 or toll free (888) 435-6522

8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday-Thursday
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Friday

Microcredential Requirements              
Microcredential Requirements (9 Credit Hours): Credit Hours
EDU 210, Principles of Education  3
ENG 101, Research and Composition 3
PSY 133, Introduction to Psychology 3

Program contacts

JoLynn Fiorentino

(315) 786-2362