Major Skills for Entering College
Major Skills Needed by all Students Entering College
Classroom Preparation
- Self-advocacy skills
- Note taking skills
- Adequate study habits/ test taking skills
- Being prepared for class
- Importance of homework
- writing name/date correctly on paper
- organizing work (use of folders, etc.)
- neatness of work
- turning work in on time
- Classroom etiquette
- stay in seat
- raise hand/ don’t interrupt
- stay in the room
- Importance of being on time for class
Necessary Social Skills
- How to interact appropriately with teachers/mentors/other students
- How to introduce yourself to someone
- How to let someone know you like them (dating etiquette)
- How to interact with people in social situations
- Dealing effectively with peer pressure (drinking, drugs, and sexuality)
- How to deal appropriately with rejection
- Ability to use the telephone effectively
- Problem-solving and decision-making skills
Living Independently for the First Time
- Structure of environment (or lack of structure ) – more choices, more freedoms
- Transportation to and from campus, job, internships
- Ability to use leisure time effectively
- How to locate the help and assistance needed
- Adequate knowledge of medical needs in regard to medication and health problems and
being able to articulate these needs to others
- Basic independent living skills – money management, survival cooking, laundry, shopping