Consensual Relationship Policy
SUNY Jefferson
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Consensual Relationship Policy


This policy replaces the Nepotism Policy, adopted on October 5, 2011 in Resolution 168-11.  This policy is to ensure there are no conflicts of interest or bias in matters of employment or in the educational setting due to family, romantic, or sexual relationships.


Jefferson Community College fully recognizes the power imbalance that may occur with any sexual or romantic relationship between faculty or staff and undergraduate students in the educational and working environments and fully supports SUNY’s efforts in combating the issue.

This policy applies to all faculty, staff and students.  Failure to follow the terms of this policy will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.

Jefferson Community College strongly discourages any sexual or romantic relationship between faculty/staff members and students.

Sexual or romantic relationships between faculty/staff members and students are prohibited if there is a current supervisory relationship or if the student’s course of study requires the academic or professional supervision of the faculty member, unless the relationship is disclosed and supervision is terminated in accordance with the policy.

Sexual or romantic relationships between faculty or staff, where this is a supervisory or reporting relationship between the participants, requires that each employee inform the Executive Director of Finance & Human Resources, Title IX Coordinator for Employees and their direct supervisor of the relationship. 

Employees may not directly supervise their spouses, domestic partners, or other family members (related parties). In addition, employees should neither initiate nor participate in institutional decisions concerning related parties.

In the instance of a sexual or romantic relationship in the workforce, alternative supervisory roles are required to ensure that supervisors in a consensual sexual or romantic relationship with an employee are removed from any evaluation of the employee, and from any activity or decision that may appear to reward, penalize, or otherwise affect the employment status of the employee.

In the case of a pre-existing relationship or marriage, the relationship must be reported as required in this policy and alternative supervisory relationships will be established.


February 2019 (Res. #113-19)