Facilities Use Policy
SUNY Jefferson

Facilities Use Policy



To establish a policy to govern use of campus facilities by non-college organizations.


It is the policy of Jefferson Community College that the facilities of the campus will be made available for use by non-college organizations as herein provided. Use of the facilities by non-college organizations will be authorized only when such use does not infringe upon, delay, or conflict with College purposes. The use of College facilities by non-college organizations will generally not be available during periods of College closure and during periods when College resources are unavailable. The use of College facilities are subject to the schedule of fees and insurance requirements established by the College and identified in the College Facility Use Guidelines.

As a public institution and an open access campus, it is the intent of JCC to provide facilities that meet the College’s objectives of providing educational, cultural, and civic opportunities. JCC’s priority will be to satisfy College facility use needs and, if resources and space availability allow, will be to provide space to non-college organizations.

The use of College facilities will be prioritized in the following manner:

  1. Academic/Academic-Related

  2. Campus Life Activities/Athletics/Institutional

  3. College-Affiliated Organizations

  4. Non-College Affiliated Organizations

Organizations of the following nature shall be deemed non-college affiliated for the purpose of this policy and will be given the following priority:

  1. Federal, state and local government units, departments and agencies.

  2. Organizations operating on a not-for-profit basis and whose use of the College facilities will be consistent with the objectives of the College.

  3. Commercial organizations for educational or training purposes.

  4. General commercial use:
    1. Any individual or organization not meeting the requirements as outlined in “1”through “3” above, will be considered a commercial organization.

    2. The College reserves the right to determine the eligibility of a potential client in these categories. If the event is not co-sponsored by an academic department, administrative office, or JCC-recognized organization, promotional material for the event may NOT imply college sponsorship or affiliation to financial gain.

    3. Commercial activities will be provided on a non-exclusive basis.

    4. The College may not waive any fees or insurance requirements for commercial organizations.

The following shall apply to non-college organizations:

  1. Facility use will be allowed on a space and resource availability.

  2. Guidelines for non-college organizations that intend to charge admission fees or accept donations will be set forth in the application for use of College facilities.

  3. Fees for non-college organizations will be set forth in the College guidelines and, for commercial use, will be based on existing market rates.

  4. The College will not compete with available market space if existing market space is available.

Restricted Use:

Jefferson Community College will strictly enforce the prohibition of activities that conflict with federal, state and local laws and College regulations. JCC maintains a policy on non-discrimination with respect to race, religion, gender, national origin, political affiliation, marital status, disability or sexual orientation in compliance with all federal, state, and local laws. JCC reserves the right to refuse facility use for reasons as outlined above or for activities that conflict with the College objectives.

Facilities Use Policy

Resolution #1/23/97