Student Tests Positive for COVID-19
SUNY Jefferson

Student Tests Positive for COVID-19

Published: November 17, 2020

Jefferson Community College (JCC) received confirmation today, November 17, 2020, that a JCC student has tested positive for COVID-19. The College is assisting Jefferson County Department of Public Health in their contact tracing efforts to identify any possible exposure risks to other students or members of the campus community. Campus faculty, staff and students are encouraged to answer their phones, should they receive a call from “NYS Contact Tracing” (518-387-9993). 

The student currently lives on-campus in JCC’s residence hall and tested per the College’s coronavirus testing plan, and in accordance with SUNY guidelines that require on-campus students to test for COVID-19 prior to leaving for Thanksgiving break. The student has been moved to a quarantine floor in the residence hall that was designated for such an instance at the beginning of fall semester. Increased cleaning and disinfection practices have been implemented in addition to ongoing social distancing in all offices. The College is committed to ensuring the safety of our students, faculty, staff and members of the campus community and appreciates the support and hard work of all involved to maintain these efforts.



Story by:

Pamela Dixon

Additional Information:

Public Relations Department, Jefferson Community College, (315) 786-2392, Email Public Relations

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