Active Duty Service Members Encouraged to Apply Now for Military Spark Voucher
Published: August 04, 2020
To help active duty service members save money on their college education, Jefferson Community College (JCC) is offering a Military Spark Voucher that will cover the cost of student comprehensive and technology fees, a potential savings of up to $420.
Current, and new, active duty service members may apply. New military students must first apply for admission to JCC through the GoArmyEd portal system at Students may apply online for the Military Spark Voucher by completing the brief form on the College’s website. Funded by the JCC Foundation, the Military Spark Voucher will be dispersed on a first-come first-served basis. There is no deadline to apply. The voucher is valid only for fall 2020 semester.
Full fall semester (15-week) classes begin August 31, 2020. Fall late session (8-week) classes begin October 26, 2020. The majority of classes for fall semester will be held remotely.
JCC, designated a 2019 Military Friendly School by G.I. Jobs, awards college credit for military experience in its Applied Business Studies A.O.S. degree program that prepares students for a variety of positions in management, business, and entrepreneurship. The College offers more than 40 academic programs including criminal justice, homeland security, individual studies and a business administration 18-month track to degree completion program.
Visit or call the JCC office on Fort Drum at (315) 786-6566 for more information.
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