Multiple Start Times to Maximize College Opportunities
SUNY Jefferson
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Multiple Start Times to Maximize College Opportunities

Published: May 13, 2022

According to the State University of New York (SUNY), more than one-third of people working in New York State hold a degree from a SUNY institution. Jefferson Community College (JCC) is one of 30 community colleges in the SUNY system. To maximize the opportunity to get a college degree in the North Country, JCC offers multiple class start times. Registration is open and applying for admission at JCC is free. 

Summer session is comprised of a 4- and 8-week session. Fall semester offers full-term (15-weeks) and two 8-week sessions. Winter session is comprised of a 3- and 4- week session. Classes are held on JCC’s campus, online in a variety of formats, on Fort Drum at the McEwen Education Center and at the Lewis County JCC Education Center.

Three out of four students attending a SUNY institution receive financial aid and 82% of students attending JCC receive financial aid. 

Students returning to JCC after a period of absence, and transfer students, should complete the admissions application online at as early as possible or contact Enrollment Services at 315-786-2437 for assistance. Military students should contact the JCC office on Fort Drum at 315-786-6566 to apply for admission and register for classes. JCC current students (continuing after spring 2022 semester) should register via MyJCC.

JCC Multiple Start Times – Registration Open!

Summer Session 2022

4-week early session: June 6, 2022-July 1, 2022
8-week session: June 6, 2022 – August 1, 2022
4-week late session: July 11, 2022 – August 5, 2022

Fall Semester 2022

8-week early session: August 29, 2022-October 10, 2022
Full semester begins: August 29, 2022
8-week late session: October 24, 2022-December 14, 2022

Winter 2022

4-week session: December 19, 2022-January 20, 2023
3-week late session: January 2, 2023-January 20, 2023 



Story by:

Pamela Dixon

Additional Information:

Public Relations Department, Jefferson Community College, (315) 786-2392, Email Public Relations

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