School Information
Admissions into this course does not require the applicant to have a high school diploma or GED. However, many of the national exams do require the examinee to have a high school diploma or GED in order to sit for the certification.
This is a grant funded program for qualified individuals. Eligible individuals must meet New York State Department of Labor (NYSDOL) Dislocated Worker definition. There are six categories of Dislocated Worker. Simplified, to qualify as a Dislocated Worker, you must be “underemployed” or “unemployed”. Underemployed means that you are working at a wage that is below your skill level or less then your previous job. Unemployed means you are not working currently. To determine your eligibility, complete the following questionnaire which covers all six eligible categories.
If you have questions on the eligibility criteria please call The WorkPlace for assistance at 315-786-3659.
Category 1 – Unlikely to Return to a Previous Occupation/Industry
Category 2 – Mass Layoff or Closure
Category 3 – Self-Employed
Category 4 – DW Displaced Homemaker
Category 5 – Dislocated Due to Foreign Trade
Category 6 – Spouse of a Member of the Armed Forces