Featured Honors Program Student May 2021
SUNY Jefferson

Featured Honors Program Student May 2021

Published: May 03, 2021

Image of William Simkin
William I. Simkin, featured Honors Program Student for the Month of May 2021

William I. Simkin, Canberra, Australia, is the featured Jefferson Community College (JCC) Honors Program student for the month of May 2021. Simkin is a business administration major at Jefferson. For one of his honors options, he analyzed George Washington’s legacy as a general to see if his reputation as one of America’s greatest military leaders still holds up today. After graduating from Jefferson, Simkin anticipates transferring to a 4-year college to earn a master’s degree in business. 

The Jefferson Community College Honors Program offers students with exceptional academic skills the opportunity to receive enriched instruction within their current program of study. For the Honors Program, students select three courses within their curriculum, and enhance them as Honors Options. The option is based on a project agreed to by the student and a faculty member willing to work closely with the student to provide a unique and rewarding experience. Students also take the Honors Seminar, a unique inter-disciplinary course open only to program participants. The seminar examines a single theme each semester and features guest speakers from a variety of disciplines and often includes some sort of field experience.

Successful program participants earn a prestigious Honors Graduate designation on their academic transcript for each Honors Option course. Students demonstrating excellent academic achievement in high school or who have completed 12 credit hours of college coursework are invited to apply for admission to the Honors Program. 

For more information, contact Honors Program coordinator, Dr. Joshua Canale, at jcanale@sunyjefferson.edu.  



Story by:

Pamela Dixon

Additional Information:

Public Relations Department, Jefferson Community College, (315) 786-2392, Email Public Relations

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