JCC Leads Discussion on Economic Recovery Initiatives
SUNY Jefferson

JCC Leads Discussion on Economic Recovery Initiatives

Published: December 03, 2020

On Thursday, December 3, Jefferson Community College (JCC) released a new plan to support the economic recovery of the North Country as it struggles with the COVID-19 pandemic. Details of the “Now More Than Ever” plan were provided to a group of local economic development leaders in a Zoom presentation with College President Dr. Ty A. Stone and Associate Vice President for Strategic Initiatives Dr. Megan A. Stadler. Dr. Stone states, “The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged our families, local businesses, and our regional economy. In response, Jefferson Community College has prepared a plan to help the North Country build back better.”

Dr. Stadler presented concepts during the virtual meeting, including “Career in a Year” education programs, new scholarship opportunities for students, and an “Education to Employment” initiative that will commence at the start of the new year. With the “Education to Employment” initiative, Jefferson aims to engage employers in a conversation that will assist the College as it realigns and refreshes academic offerings to meet the post-COVID evolving needs of the community. Stadler says, “This is an active call to the community to participate in the development of education initiatives that can help North Country students enter the workforce and assist area businesses in the economic recovery period.”

The “Now More Than Ever” plan was developed in partnership with SUNY Potsdam and Jeff-Lewis BOCES and incorporated input from community stakeholders. SUNY Potsdam President Kristin G. Esterberg states:

SUNY Potsdam has long been proud to partner with Jefferson Community College to serve the needs of the North Country. Our popular joint programs in business administration and childhood education allow students to complete their associate and bachelor’s degrees all in Watertown—and both are great options for people looking to make a career change while staying close to home.

Jefferson-Lewis BOCES District Superintendent, Steven J. Todd, says of the partnership with Jefferson:

Jefferson-Lewis BOCES is pleased and proud to partner with Jefferson Community College in our mutual workforce development and economic recovery efforts. When we provide strong pathways between our programs and those at JCC, students of all ages benefit, as does our community. Seamless transition from program to program is our goal, and sharing of resources and capacities between our two institutions is good for our community. We will continue to explore and implement every possible sharing and partnering opportunity with the college, and we thank them for being such a willing and wonderful partner over the years.

Jefferson’s “Now More Than Ever” plan is available on the College’s website and in PDF form upon request. For more information or to become involved in Jefferson’s “Education to Employment” initiative, contact Dr. Megan Stadler, Associate Vice President for Strategic Initiatives, (315) 786-6500, mstadler@sunyjefferson.edu.



Story by:

Gillian Maitland

Additional Information:

Public Relations Department, Jefferson Community College, (315) 786-2392, Email Public Relations

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