Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges Army Degree | JCC
SUNY Jefferson

Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges Army Degree

Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges Army Degree Program

In 1985, Jefferson Community College became a member of the Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges Army Degree program (SOCAD). SOCAD is a worldwide system composed of an ever-growing number of colleges united together to form a network designed to facilitate the education of servicemembers. 

As a SOCAD College serving the educational needs of servicemembers at Fort Drum, Jefferson Community College commits itself to criteria and requirements defined in the College’s formal SOCAD Agreement.

The SOCAD program

  • provides networks of similar degree programs on worldwide Army installations
  • helps a soldier establish a “home college” at one installation
  • reduces loss of credit through guarantee of transfer rules
  • reduces residence course requirements to no more than 25% of the credits needed for the degree
  • provides the issuance of a SOCAD Student Agreement that acts as a “contract for a degree”
  • Jefferson Community College SOCAD Degree Network Programs

Soldiers who need SOCAD Student Agreements created and posted to the ArmyIgnitEd portal will be identified through ArmyIgnitEd/college processes.  NOTE:  Soldiers MUST complete admissions requirements to receive a SOCAD Student Agreement.

As many SOCAD Colleges do, Jefferson extends the benefits of SOCAD to military spouses.  A spouse will simply need to complete SOCAD Request Form after completing admissions requirements.




Betsi Bentz
Director of community services
Fort Drum Army Education Center
4300 Camp Hale Road
Fort Drum, NY 13602
(315) 786-6554
(315) 786-2425